WeTV Asian & Local Drama APK - APKIK

WeTV  Asian & Local Drama

Finally, here comes the place to watch original and popular shows, dramas and variety shows! WeTV offers curated and highly successful shows and dramas so you can stream with a premium viewing experience.

Other features you may like:
Category Selection: Movies, dramas, and various shows are categorized into different pages. We make it easy for you to find a specific category that you want to explore further.
Keep watching: we help you remember where you last went and continue from there.
Edit Video Definition: You can specify different image attributes at your request. When viewing with mobile data, you can select 360P to save your data. You can also enjoy Blu-ray (Full HD) image quality to enhance your viewing experience.
Subtitles: We offer multiple languages and translations for you to choose from. You can also change the language according to your preferences.
Screen control: Swipe up and down with your finger to adjust volume and brightness, and swipe left and right to skip video backwards or forwards.

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